drag-along rights

drag-along rights
фин. права подключения*, права подключения к сделке [к продаже\]*, права подключить (к продаже)* (право акционеров, владеющих большей частью акций компании и поддержавших какое-л. предложение о покупке или поглощении компании, потребовать, чтобы и остальные акционеры приняли данное предложение и продали свои акции)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "drag-along rights" в других словарях:

  • drag along rights — Rights contained in a company s articles of association for a majority of the shareholders (usually more than 75% in nominal value) to accept an offer to buy their shares and to force the holders of the remaining 25% to accept such an offer.… …   Law dictionary

  • drag-along rights — Rights contained in a company s articles of association for a majority of the shareholders (usually more than 75% in nominal value) to accept an offer to buy their shares and to force the holders of the remaining 25% to accept such an offer.… …   Law dictionary

  • Drag-Along Rights — A right that enables a majority shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a company. The majority owner doing the dragging must give the minority shareholder the same price, terms, and conditions as any other seller. This …   Investment dictionary

  • Drag-along right — is a legal concept in corporate law. The right assures that if the majority shareholder sells his stake, minority holders are forced to join the deal. This right protects majority shareholders.[1] Drag along rights are fairly standard terms in a… …   Wikipedia

  • drag along right — Rights contained in a company s articles of association for a majority of the shareholders (usually more than 75% in nominal value) to accept an offer to buy their shares and to force the holders of the remaining 25% to accept such an offer.… …   Law dictionary

  • drag-along right — Rights contained in a company s articles of association for a majority of the shareholders (usually more than 75% in nominal value) to accept an offer to buy their shares and to force the holders of the remaining 25% to accept such an offer.… …   Law dictionary

  • tag along rights — Also known as piggyback rights. Common provisions in joint venture or private equity agreements, which enable certain shareholders (usually minority shareholders) to force other shareholders (who wish to sell their shares) to procure an offer for …   Law dictionary

  • tag-along rights — Also known as piggyback rights. Common provisions in joint venture or private equity agreements, which enable certain shareholders (usually minority shareholders) to force other shareholders (who wish to sell their shares) to procure an offer for …   Law dictionary

  • Drag king — All The Kings Men a drag king performance troupe from Boston, MA …   Wikipedia

  • tag along right — Also known as piggyback rights. Common provisions in joint venture or private equity agreements, which enable certain shareholders (usually minority shareholders) to force other shareholders (who wish to sell their shares) to procure an offer for …   Law dictionary

  • piggyback rights — Also known as piggyback rights. Common provisions in joint venture or private equity agreements, which enable certain shareholders (usually minority shareholders) to force other shareholders (who wish to sell their shares) to procure an offer for …   Law dictionary

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